Monday, May 5, 2014










Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dhanishta Nakshatra

Dhanishta "the richest one" 23.20 Capricorn to 6.40 Aquarius

Symbol - drum or a flute       

Deity - The eight Vasus, deities of the earth that give abundance on the material plane      

Stars - Consists of a small group of stars located in the head of Delphinus, the Dolphin. Sadalsuud, is good for intuitive ability, they are visionaries and good for public relations.

Mythology - The eight Vasus are the solar gods of light and energy. They are earth deities that give abundance on the material plane. Vasu means "light" "benefic" indicating a charitable attitude, and high virtues.

Indications - The "Star of Symphony", there is considerable material wealth, ownership of property and real estate with this nakshatra. As to the symbols of musical instruments, some do possess musical ability and love dancing, for they are able to keep a beat. With this notion they are great at timing, this can refer to having a knack for being at the right place at the right time. There seems to be emptiness from within, for the musical instruments, a drum and flute are hollow. They are constantly trying to fill this void, and this may be the cause of their problems in relationships and marital discord. Marriage may be delayed or denied. There is a tendency to live up to the expectations of others. They can be materialistic, and gain fame and recognition. They must be careful not to be too self absorbed, greedy, and narcissistic. They love the excitement of travel.  

Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana "to hear" 10. 00 to 23.20 Capricorn

Symbol - ear, or three footprints in an uneven row   

Deity - Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe           

Stars - In this nakshatra there are three stars in the head of the eagle, these are also the three footprints of Vishnu. Altair, leads to positions of power and wealth but trouble with the law.

Mythology - Vishnu spanned the universe in three steps denoting his expansive travels as well as his expansive travel to the three worlds.    

Indications - This is the star of listening, also called the "Star of Learning". They are always questing for knowledge, and information. They can be very intellectual. Wisdom and the spoken word are very important here. They make great teachers, or perpetual students. Counseling is a gift for they have the ability to truly listen. Their sense of hearing can be very acute and sensitive. They are very traditional and want to uncover knowledge of the past. Listening and participating in gossip are common, even though they are extremely sensitive and hurt as a result. Their restless nature causes them to travel extensively, usually in a pursuit of knowledge. There seems to be trouble and disappointments early in life, and some disabilities. With age they slowly regain their sense of self-confidence. They can walk with a limp or an unusual gate.        

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

Uttara Ashadha "latter victory" or "latter unconquered" 27.40 Sagittarius to 10. 00 Capricorn

Symbol - elephant tusk, or a small cot or planks of a bed     

Deity - Vishvadevas, means all gods or Universal gods        

Stars - Situated on the lower part of the Lyre, Waga (Vega) gives leadership especially political or in government, musical artistic ability

Mythology - The Vishvadevas are the ten sons of god Dharma. Their power is to grant unchallengeable victory. They deal with the laws of time, universal principles, karma, and right action.        

Indications - Called the "Universal Star" they are much like their other half Purva Ashadha but a bit softer, milder and not as intense. They are enduring, invincible, and very patient. They fight for what they believe is right, highly righteous and responsible, with the highest degree of integrity. They practice what they preach. Sincere in everyway, they cannot lie. Commitment to their ideals makes them very humanitarian. They can be driven like a workaholic, extremely persistent when excited, but if they loose interest they become lazy, introspective, and not finish what they started. Thy have deep powers to penetrate or quest for spiritual information. They are leaders, very ambitious which leads them to notoriety. In the latter part of their life they become more successful, and victorious. Marriage can be difficult because they are stubborn, self-centered and loose interest.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra

Purva Ashadha "early victory" or "the undefeated" 13.20 to 26. 40 Sagittarius

Symbol - elephant tusk, fan, or a winnowing basket, used for ridding corn of its husks.

Deity - Apah or water deified as a god         

Stars - In the constellation of the Archer, Kaus Borealis and Kaus Australis form the archer’s bow. Kaus Borealis gives leadership abilities with altruistic, idealistic, qualities and a strong sense of justice.   

Mythology - Apah is the cosmic waters spreading in all directions giving rise to all humanity. It is an invigorating power. Varuna is another ruling deity because of his protection of the seas and giving rain. Water is one of the most powerful forces in nature.      

Indications - Called the "Invincible Star" they are invincible, proud and independent. They have influence and power over others. There is a philosophical and emotional depth. There is a strong need to always better their life or improve their situation, and can be seen as a social climber. They are fearless, aggressive, confrontational, and controlling towards achieving their goals. They want popularity and to spread their name. This nakshatra is associated with declarations of war, and their temperament is a bit angry and sharp. The formal education seems to be disrupted. There is an association with water, and rule any industry or travel pertaining to water, seas, ocean, or overseas travel. They are always successful and their success comes at an early age. Great oratory abilities make them successful at debates. Their fearlessness can lead to restlessness and an obstinate aggressive disposition. Skillful in intuiting others shadows, but somehow blinds them to their own flaws, and sense of self-denials.

Moola Nakshatra

Moola "the root" 0. 00 to 13. 20 Sagittarius

Symbol - bunch of roots tied together, or an elephant goad, (gives the elephant direction).

Deity - Nirriti, the god of dissolution and destruction          

Stars - This nakshatra is located in the tail of the Scorpion near Ophiuchus. Lesath, gives good judgment, interest in spiritual nature, brings people before the public. This is the center of the Galaxy or the galactic center.     

Mythology - Nirriti means "calamity", and is the goddess of destruction who lives in the kingdom of the dead. Nirriti has the power to ruin, destroy and break things apart. It is sometimes called Alakshmi or denial of Lakshmi (prosperity). She is depicted as Kali the fierce goddess who wears a necklace of skulls and human heads dangle from her belt. Her wild dance destroys illusions; she helps us see reality, the disgusting and beautiful.  

Indications - Called the "Root Star" they have a passionate nature that wants to get to the bottom of things. They are good at investigation, and research. They feel bound and trapped by the circumstances of their life, and can get caught up in blaming others or their environment. There can be extreme reversals in their lives with great losses. There seems to be cruelty, pain, and sharpness. Material fortunes seem to be stripped away, the lesson of non-attachment leads to spiritual realization. Resentment and betrayal are common. The deep sense of loss forces them to look deeper and seek a higher power, transforming their experiences into enlightenment. Excesses lead to compulsive behavior. There may be an interest in healing with herbs or alternative medicine.     

Friday, April 18, 2014

Jyeshtha Nakshatra

Jyeshtha "the eldest" 16.40 to 30.00 Scorpio
Symbol - circular amulet, umbrella, earring
Deity - Indri, chef of the gods
Stars - Antares is the heart of the Scorpion. Antares means, "rival of Mars". This is a military, political star, gives a drive for power, honors with possible sudden loss.
Mythology - Jyeshta was the oldest of the 27 sisters and felt betrayed and jealous of the fact that Soma their husband favored her younger sister Rohini.
Indications - There is a sense of betrayal and abandonment indicated by the myth. They have a sense of seniority and superiority due to age and experience. They are very protective of themselves and loved ones. They possess hidden occult powers. They are the wise ones who have the wisdom that only age and experience can give. As the patriarch or matriarch of the family they are the ones who will run the show. They know how to deal with wealth and power. Their lives are not easy and some may experience hardship and poverty. They are reclusive, secretive with few friends. Their inventive profound minds provoke them to seek the deeper meaning on life. At times they can be arrogant and hypocritical, because of their low self-esteem.

Anuradha Nakshatra

Anurada "the disciple of the divine spark" 3.20 to 16.40 Scorpio
Symbol - triumphal archway, or a lotus
Deity - Mitra as one of the Adityas is responsible for friendship and partnership.
Stars - There are three stars in the body of the Scorpion. Isidis is situated in the right claw of the Scorpion. It gives a mystical interest, especially in astrology, immortality and shamelessness.
Mythology - Mitra is the god of friendship and promotes cooperation in humanity. Any contracts or agreements are Mitra’s duty to protect. Mitra gives compassion devotion and love. Rada (the cowherd maiden) who is the friend and lover of Krishna is his devoted companion, always following him.
Indications - This nakshatra promotes balance in a relationship. They are focused in their goals, but are able to maintain and balance friendships. Their friendly cooperation with others can bring them fame and recognition. They have superb leadership and organizational skills especially with large groups of people, like in organizations. Sensual and loving they know how to share and accommodate others; their gift is dealing with people. Also they have an ability to work with numbers. Traditionally they have difficult relationships with their mothers. Faithful and dedicated to the ones they love, they do have a melancholy side. There can be a jealous streak with a controlling angry side. They have been known to live far from their place of birth. There are many opportunities for travel, for they love variety.

Vishakha Nakshatra

Vishaka "the forked shaped" 20.00 Libra to 3.20 Scorpio
Symbol - Triumphal arch, potter’s wheel
Deity - Indagni, a pair of deities Indra is the chef of the gods, and Agni is fire deified.
Stars - The four stars forming the scales in the constellation of Libra. Zuben el Genubi gives the ability to concentrate on goals, and overcome obstacles. It is social, clever, but unforgiving and revengeful.
Mythology - Indra the king of the gods, combined with Agni fire provides the energy, strength and powerful potential in this nakshatra.
Indications - This is the "Star of Purpose". They are very goal oriented, and don’t give up until they achieve success. Ambition, and concentrated power will conquer any obstacles or rivals. They are extremely competitive. With their hash opinions they may force their will and ideas on others. The end result or their bottom line may involve stepping on or either using others to get what they want. They need to be careful not to win the battle, but loose the war, by pushing their agendas too hard. If you have what they want, it will be hard for them to hide their feelings of envy and jealousy. They can become frustrated and angry when they don’t get what they want. They are always hopeful of success and their determination will persevere. They are patient, persistent and determined. They experience success in the second half of their life. As the warrior spirit they will get what they want, their best solution is to be the spiritual warrior.

Swati Nakshatra

Swati "the sword" or "independence" 6.40 to 20.00 Libra
Symbol - young sprout swaying in the wind, coral
Deity - Vayu, the wind god
Stars- Acturus situated in the left knee of Bootes, denotes riches, renown, prosperity, success in the fine arts, and self-determination.
Mythology - Vayu is the purifier that represents the pranayama (breath) that sustains all life. The goddess, Saraswati is associated with this nakshatra. She is the goddess of learning, education, and the arts.
Indications - They excel in the fields of music, literature and art. Financial and business successes are part of their gifts. They are blessed with the art of communication, revealing their knowledge and interest. Their ability to ride with the wind makes them extremely flexible. They are curious and eager to learn. Some are very psychic and intuitive. They are vulnerable, striving for independence, but are always survivors. Swati also translates as "the priest" and are learned in theology. Sometimes they can be high strung, and shallow. Because of their Vata nature must be careful of their diet causing too much wind.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chitra Nakshatra

Chitra: "the bright one" 23.20 Virgo to 6.40 Libra

Symbol - Bright jewel, or pearl 

Deity - Tvashtar or Vishvakarma the celestial architect 

Stars - Spica, the bright star in the wheat ear of Virgo, this is one of the most auspicious stars of all denoting success, riches, and a love of the sciences and arts. 

Mythology - Tavashtar is the celestial architect that can shape how humanity will see the world. He creates the Universe by blowing the creatures into existence, fanning them with his wings. He is the master of maya and magic, and represents regenerative power and longevity.

Indications - This is the "star of opportunity". These individuals posses charisma, personal charm, and can be flashy and glamorous. They love bright colors and usually have very beautiful eyes with well-proportioned bodies. This is one of the most mystical nakshatras of all. They have deep spiritual depth and with sudden flashes of insight. They are wonderful conversationalist; they say the right thing at the right time. Chitra rules creation, indicating artistic ability, and organizational ability as in architectural design. Many artists are born in this asterism. With an affinity to jewels they may deal with gemstones. Chitra reflects the world of maya and delusions, which they are to over come.

Hasta Nakshatra

Hasta "the hand" 10.00 to 23.20 Virgo

Symbol - Hand, or fist

Deity - Savitri or Surya, the Sun

Stars - There are five stars representing the five fingers on the hand. Algorab is a double star situated in Corvus on the right wing of the crow. This star brings business success, charm, but eventual fall from favor.

Mythology - Savitar, the Sun God has the ability to manifest what we are seeking and place it in our hands. He gives life, and assists in childbirth. Savitar is "golden handed" everything he touches turns to light.

Indications - The hand symbolizes skill with the hands, as in craftsmanship and the arts. They may use their hands for healing, possibly as a doctor or massage therapist. They can be a comedian with their great clever wit, and good sense of humor. They are entertaining and good speakers. Their early life may be plagued by hardships restraints and possible impediments. The fist indicates an ability to grasp ideas, and hold on to things material or spiritual. Sometimes it is hard for them to let go. The crafty hand can indicate a thief, as well as a pickpocket, for they may be plagued by poverty or lack of success, until they focus on the spiritual path. There is an innate desire to be helpful and serve, as in a counseling profession. They are highly intelligent, attracted to mysticism, possibly palmistry being their specialty.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

Uttara Phalguni "the later reddish one" 26.40 Leo to 10.00 Virgo

Symbol - Bed (four legs), or hammock

Deity - Aryaman, one of the Adityas, rules patronage, kindness, and favors. Bhaga and Aryaman are invoked together 

Stars - Denebola, situated in the Lion’s tail, quick mind, noble, generous, with high honors, but has an association with people with bad reputations. 

Mythology - Aryaman governs marriage contracts, and protects family inheritance. Shiva and Shakti were married under this asterism. 

Indications - Friendship is important to these helpful, kind individuals. They are happiest when married. Relationships and family unity are important. The meanings of Purva Phalguni apply here as well, just a little subdued. It is called the "Star of Patronage" for their love of humanity and caring sincere nature. They want to alleviate the suffering in society. Basically the Phalguni’s are known to have a happy marriage. But, since this nakshatra cannot stand to be alone, they may settle for anybody, and become involved in a co-dependent relationship, leading to resentments and marriage problems. They are courageous and good with people, leading them into powerful positions. There is a tendency to be controlling and very stubborn.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Sun in the Twelfth House

If the Sun is in the 12th house, the native will suffer from appendicitis in the 36th year of his life. He will waste his money on undesirable purposes, he will be sinful and will incur loss of wealth. He will be accused of killing a cow and will live away from his native land. If the Sun is associated with strong and auspicious planet or planets the native will enjoy blessings of God. He will also enjoy bed comforts (sexual pleasures). If the Sun is in conjunction with malefics the native will incur wasteful expenditure and will be deprived of bed comforts. If the Sun is associated with the lord of the sixth house the native will suffer from leprosy but he will recover from this disease if a benefic aspects the Sun. The presence of the Sun in the 12th also will make the native sinful and there will be aggravation of the diseases he suffers from.

Comments-The 12th is a house of loss in all respects. It. Is also a dusthana. The important significations of this house may be seen in Part I-Chapter II. When the 12th house is occupied by a malefic planet, the significations of the house play their full role. The Sun in the 12th will give only unfavourable results described above. The results will not be so unfavourable if there is a benefic planet in the 12th but whether the planet is a benefic or a malefic, the significations of the house he owns will also suffer badly. If, however, The Sun be in his own sign Leo in the 12th, the results will be good and beneficial to the native. This disposition will give rise to 'Vipreet Rajayoga'.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will suffer degradation.
Phaldeepika-The native will be inimical towards his father. He will suffer from eye troubles. He will be without wealth and childless.
Saravali-The native will have a lean body. He will be one eyed, sinful, childless, inimical to his father, powerless and mean.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will suffer from eye troubles. He will be victorious in the battlefield. He will live at only one place to earn his livelihood. He will gain wealth during journeys.

Note-All the authorities except Chamatkar Chintamani agree with the views of Bhrigu Sutras that inauspicious results follow from the placement of the Sun in 12th house according to significations of this house. They have not given the effects of the benefic influences on the Sun, as described in Bhrigu Sutras.

The Sun in the Eleventh House

If the Sun is in the eleventh house the native will have substantial income from agricultural operations. In his 25th year he will acquire conveyances. By the use of his wealth and diplomatic talk, he will be able to acquire more wealth. He will suffer from a serious kind of fever and will have cordial relations with his employees. If the Sun is with a malefic he will incur lot of expenditure and will be without any conveyance. If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted, he will have immense wealth. If the Sun is in conjunction with the lord of the 4th house, he will have sources of income at many places and will acquire conveyances and
will be very fortunate.

Comments- 11th is an upachaya house and is very auspicious and beneficial for almost all planets unless they are lords of bad houses or there is malefic influence on them. The Sun in the 11th according to Sutra 96 gives substantial income from agricultural operations. The native also acquires conveyances and is able to gain wealth by talking in a diplomatic manner according to Sutra 97. Diplomacy is acquired by the native as the Sun aspects the 5th house which signifies diplomacy. If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted the acquisition of wealth will be more accentuated but if the Sun is associated with a malefic there will be loss of wealth probably on account of native becoming extravagant. He will also not possess any conveyance. The conjunction of the Sun with the lord of 4th has been stated to be very beneficial to the native. Although it is not mentioned in the above Sutras, conjunction of the Sun with the lord of 2nd, 1st or 9th would also be very beneficial particularly when the Sun be in his own sign.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The Sun in the 11th house will make the person born wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, long lived and happy. He will have command over many persons, that is, he will be of high status.
Saravali-The native will accumulate wealth, will be powerful, will hate others, will be without servants, will stick to his words and will be successful in his ventures.
Chamatkar Chifitamani-The native will acquire wealth from the king (Government) and possess many kinds of wealth. He will destroy his enemies by his valour but will be unhappy in the matter of children.

Note-The eleventh house is a house of gains and all the authorities mentioned above agree with Bhirgu Sutras that the placement of the Sun in this house is beneficial for acquisition of wealth.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

Purva Phalguni "the former reddish one" 13.20 to 26.40 Leo

Symbol - Bed (the front legs), hammock, fig tree     

Deity - Bhaga god of bliss (marital) and prosperity  

Stars - Zosma, located in the back of the Lion, is a star of egotism and self-indulgence     

Mythology - The Phalgunis are the "marriage mansions". Where the power of love and attraction start with Rohini , here it results in the settling down in marriage. Bhaga protects marital happiness and bestows family inheritance. Lord Shiva started his marriage precession under this star.   

This nakshatra implies by the bed or hammock it is a time of rest and relaxation. These individuals are usually carefree, never worry and rely on their luck. They are attractive, sensual, and affectionate. They are very social, with the ability to influence others, with their communicative skills. Social events and parties are their favorite activity. This has been called the party nakshatra. They are kind, generous, and loyal, and are seldom alone. They are usually married or in a long term relationship. Their joyousness can lead to excesses, going to the extremes. They are very sexual and passionate. They have robust health. They may be lazy and indulgent, lending to vanity and narcissism. They can be very artistic and often express themselves through music and dance. There is often a substantial family inheritance.

Magha Nakshtra

Magha "the great one" 0.00 to 13. 20 Leo

Symbol  - Royal throne

Deity - Pitris, family ancestors, "The Fathers"

Stars - Regulus, the heart of the lion, gives fame, lofty big ideals, with a thirst for power.

Mythology - This is the constellation believed to be the where our ancestors dwell and await their opportunity to reincarnate back with their families on earth.

Indications - They are noble and eminent persons with leadership abilities. In this nakshatra kings or presidents are born, or simply those who rule or take charge. There is a drive for power and wealth. They are traditional with strong values and strong ambitions leading to restlessness. They are attached to their heritage and ancestry, and will usually seek out their family tree or origins. Worldly power and a need for recognition can obsess them. They have a generous heart, and deep loyalty with possible arrogance and egotism. Elitism and class-consciousness can make them quite snobby. There is a sense of emptiness that drives them towards enlightenment.

The Sun in the Tenth House

If the Sun is in the tenth house, the native will make distinctive achievements in the educational sphere by his 18th year, and will become famous and quite capable of learning well. If three planets aspect the Sun, the native will be liked by -the king (Government), he will do pious deeds, will be very brave and valorous and earn good reputation. If the Sun is exalted (that is, he is in Aries) or is in his own sign Leo, the native will become powerful and famous on account of his good qualities and achievements. He will construct reservoirs and temples and places for housing cows and Brahmins. If the Sun is in the sign of a malefic, or is aspected by or associated with a malefic, there will be obstructions in his professional career. He will indulge in evil deeds, will be of undesirable conduct, immoral and sinful.

Comments-The Sun is considered powerful in the 10th house as he gets directional strength in this house. If not afflicted by malefic influence, the Sun will give all the favourable results mentioned above. When the Sun is exalted in the 10th, the ascendant will be Cancer and the Sun as exalted .lord of the 2nd house (house of wealth) will be in 10th. This will give rise to an excellent Dhanayoga which will make the native very wealthy and prosperous and a man of high status as will be seen from the following horoscope of the late Pandit Moti Lal Nehru. If the Sun is in his own sign Leo the lord of 10th will be in 10th giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga and no achievement will be too high for him. The tenth house is also house of Karma. It is therefore but natural that benefic influences on the Sun and the tenth house and its dignity will make the native do pious deeds, and malefic influence will turn him immoral and make him indulge in evil and sinful deeds. As far as the effects of the aspect of the three planets on the Sun as mentioned in Sutra 89, we see no logic behind the conclusion arrived at. We leave it to the readers to verify this from their practical experience.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy and powerful.
Phaldeepika-The native will be blessed with children and will have all comfort of conveyances. He will be wise, wealthy, powerful and of good reputation.
Saravali-The native will be blessed with children and will be wise and wealthy. He will enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will achieve success in his profession, will remain unconquered and will be noble and will attain high status.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native win achieve success in his work like a king. He will cause pain to his mother (as Sun as a malefic aspects the fourth house which is significator for mother) and will get separated from his relations. He will always be mentally worried.

Note-Readers will not fail to realise that good effects given by Brihat Jatak, Phaldeepika and Chamatkar Chintamani are of the Sun in the tenth house when he is dignified and has benefic influences. Very clear distinction has been made of the effects of such influences in the conclusions given in Bhrigu Sutras.

The Sun in the Ninth House

If the Sun is in the 9th, native will be a devotee of the Sun and other Gods. He will be religious-minded but not much fortunate and will be inimical to father. If the Sun is exalted or is in his own sign the results will be very favourable namely, the native will be blessed with wife and children. The native's father will be long lived. He will also be very wealthy, will take interest in religious rites and meditation and will be devoted to the preceptor and God. If the Sun is posited in his sign of debilitation (Libra), enemy or malefic sign or if he is aspected by a malefic, there will be loss of father (this means that this disposition will adversely affect the longevity of the father). If the Sun is aspected by or associated with a benefic, the father will be long lived.

Comments-The ninth house being house of Dharma, the presence of a Sattva guna planet like the Sun makes the native religious minded and a devotee of God, but its other significations suffer on account of the Sun being a malefic planet. He will become less fortunate and the native will have inimical relations with his, father (ninth house is a significator for father). Being 5th to 5th the ninth is also house of children. It is also house of prosperity and Bhagya. If the Sun is exalted (in this situation the ascendant will be Leo, and Sun as lord of ascendant will be exalted in the ninth house, an excellent disposition), or in his own sign Leo (this position of lord of the ninth being in the ninth will generate a powerful Raja Yoga), all the good results of the ninth house will be magnified. The native will be blessed with wife and children, he will be very fortunate-and prosperous, he will have great faith in religion, he will pay respect to the preceptor and God and his father will be well off and long lived. Malefic influence on the Sun (and consequently also on the ninth house) will not only adversely affect the longevity of the father but also other significations of this house. Benefic influence will cancel the malefic results.

Other Views-
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be endowed with children, wealth and happiness.
Phaldeepika-The father of the native will not be happy and be shortlived. The native will get happiness from children and relations, and will pay respect to Brahmins (religious leaders) and God.
Saravali-The native will be wealthy, blessed with children, devotee of Brahmins and God and inimical towards mother.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be an evil person, he will always be mentally worried, he will perform religious rites unwillingly and will suffer from the hands of his real brothers.

Note-The views of the above authorities are self explanatory. It is not clear how Saravali refers to mother when the Sun and ninth house have nothing to do with her. We would prefer to give more weight to the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras in which a very clear distinction has been in effects as a result of benefic and malefic, weak and strong disposition of the Sun and also of the benefic and malefic influences on the Sun and the ninth house. Evidently, Brihat Jatak and Saravali have given the effects of a favourably disposed Sun and Phaldeepika and Chamatkar Chintamani have given effects of the Sun according to his normal significations (that is as a malefic but sattva guna planet).

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ashlesha Nakshatra

Ashlesha ‘the embracer" 16.40 to 30.00 Cancer
Symbol - Serpent, a curled up or coiled snake           
Deity - Sarpas, or the Nagas, deified snakes 
Stars - The ring of stars that form the head of the Hydra (a serpent like creature) Acubens situated on the southern claw of the crab, is good for writing, study of astrology and public affairs 

Mythology - The serpent is the symbol of great wisdom, found in the occult sciences such as astrology or psychology. The snake has been referred to as the kundalini energy that rises through the spine in bringing spiritual enlightenment and magical powers.   

Indications - These are penetrating and intense individuals, with hypnotic eyes. They can hypnotize you with their glare and presence. It has been referred to as the "Clinging Star", implying they can squeeze the life out of you. They are profound and full of wisdom, but have been know to use it to the contrary, like black magic. They can be sneaky, crafty, devious liars. They attack when you lest expect it, are cold blooded, and dangerous. The end result is their convincing ways turn on them and they suffer the consequences of poisoning themselves. They cannot tolerate any criticism or humiliation. They are extremely sexual and may use it to manipulate and control others. When they become so distrustful, fearful and hurt they learn to turn their manipulative energy to divine wisdom and use their magic to achieve enlightenment. There can be interest in poisons in terms of medicines that heals.

Pushya Nakshatra

Pushya "to nourish" 3.20 to 16.40 Cancer
Symbol - Cow’s utter (milk producing), the lotus, an arrow and a circle 
Deity - Brihaspati, or Jupiter the priest of the gods 
Stars - Three stars in the constellation of Cancer, North and South Asellis refer to giving care and nourishment. 

Mythology - Brihaspati is the guru or teacher of the gods and is lord of speech and prayer. Shiva made Brihaspati into the planet Jupiter. Brihhaspati had his wife Tara stolen by Soma, and she bore a child from this affair (Budha). Brihaspati was taken by the charm of this child and raised it as his own. 

Indications - Those who have this nakshatra are very religious, but usually in a conventional way. There is a helping, caring nature. They are very wealthy, abundant, sometimes to the point of opulence. They have close nit families. Since they are so high minded they come to believe they know it all, and can be very arrogant as to their orthodox beliefs. They believe they know all the rules, and they must make sure others follow their laws. They can be smug and believe they are the only ones who are right and the whole world is wrong, of course this indicates insecurity. The nourishment and abundance principle can create overweight problems. They are philosophers, and spiritual with boundless devotion. They want to share their inner wealth, so they are frequently teachers, preachers and professors

Punarvasu Nakshatra

Punarvasu "return of the light" 20.00 Gemini to 3.20 Gemini - Cancer
Symbol - Bow and quiver (case that contains the arrows) 
Deity - Aditi, the mother of the gods, she is boundless, vast and limitless, goddess of abundance 
Stars - Castor and Pollux the Gemini twins; the full meaning is "the two who give back the good." Castor was the mortal twin known for his skill in horsemanship. This star suggests intellect, sudden fame and honor, sometimes followed by sudden loss. Pollux the immortal twin is known for his skill in boxing. This star gives a courageous nature but cold and heartless. 

Indications - This is referred to as the "Star of Renewal". After the bleak storms of Ardra the light appears again. Those with this nakshata have the ability to bounce back again, for they have deep limitless inner resources, and no boundaries as to what they can accomplish. They are deeply philosophical, inspirational, and spiritual with a true genuine understanding, which gives them their wisdom. There hardly seems to be a shadow side. They are likable, and charming. Because of their forgiving ways, others seem to forgive them easily. They love to travel, but just as the arrow is returned to the quiver so must these natives have a home base with family to return. There is a definite theme of return and renewal. As they give back to the world their prosperity doubles. This is a very prosperous nakshatra. They don’t have the need for a lot, they are content with little.

Ardra Nakshatra

Ardra "the moist one" 6.40 to 20.00 Gemini
Symbol - Teardrop, diamond, a human head

Deity - Rudra the storm god, "the howler" and god of destruction, another form of Shiva.
Stars - Betelgeuse is situated on the shoulder of Orion. A star of power, it gives an active mind, with ups and downs in career, and marital wealth and honors. 
Mythology - Rudra the destroyer is a form of Shiva who brought down Prajapati (Orion) to save Rohini from the sexual violation of the daughter. This destroyed the unity of the cosmos.

Indications - There is sadness as the symbol of the teardrop suggests. There is a very destructive quality here, but the destruction is necessary to save grace for the future. They create destruction and havoc wherever they go, sometimes even destroying themselves. This is the place of the dark night of the soul, for there is a new dawn or new beginning after the seeming tragedy. After the worse storms comes the beautiful sunny day, for the following nakshatra (Purnarvasu) means "return of the light." The rain the storm clouds produce brings growth and fertileness. These individuals are good at creating things out of destruction. They like to renovate old discarded things. This can refer to fixing up old houses or cars. They do have a lust for power and material things, and can appear cold and calculating. Their violent temperament causes many tears and depression, which can lead to their early destruction and death. They need to develop a sense of gratitude and appreciation for this will heal many wounds. Their real satisfaction comes as they overcome their hardships, and the truth and realization that comes through their suffering.

The Sun in the Eighth House

If the Sun is in the eighth house the native will get few children. He will suffer from eye diseases. In the 10th year he will suffer from a head injury but he will not get this if the Sun is aspected by a benefic. The native will have meager wealth and the domestic cattle, cow, buffaloes belonging to the native will get destroyed. He will suffer from chronic ailments of the body but he will be famous. If the lord of eighth is associated with strong planets, the native will become owner of the land of his choice. If the Sun is exalted (in Aries) or in his own sign (Leo), the native will be long lived.

Comments-The native will suffer from eye diseases as the Sun in the eighth house afflicts by powerful aspect the 2nd house which is a significator of eye sight and right eye. His suffering from head injury in the 10th year is a matter for verification by practical experience, but accidents is one of the significations of the eighth house and the head injury might be caused by some sort of accident. He will have meagre wealth because of the affliction by aspect of the 2nd house which is the house of wealth (Dhana Bhava). It is difficult to explain how cattle of the native will be destroyed by the presence of the Sun in the eighth house and it is again a matter for verification by practical experience. The eighth house signifies chronic diseases, so the native will suffer from such diseases on account of the malefic influence of the Sun in this house. The Sun is a planet of longevity and his being strong by being in exaltation or by his being in his own sign will enhance the span of life of the native. The native getting land of his own choice if the Sun is associated with strong planets, is not clear to us. The eighth house has nothing to do with lands. In fact if the Sun as lord of the 4th is in the 8th, the native is likely to lose the lands or the house he possesses. However, a benefic and strong Sun may bring land to the natives by inheritance.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will have a limited number of issues and will have defective eye sight.
Phaldeepika-There will be loss of wealth, loss of longevity, loss of friends, poor eye sight.
Saravali-The native will suffer from eye troubles, will be devoid of happiness and wealth, will be short lived and unhappy because of separation from near and dear ones.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be ready to do any work entrusted to him. He will always be in difficulty. He will have close relations with foreign women. He will be a drug addict. His money will be stolen by thieves. He will suffer from diseases of the secret organs.

Note-Except the views of Chamatkar Chintamani. the views of the other authorities mentioned above tally with the conclusions of Bhrigu Sutras. The views of Chamatkar Chintamani are also relevant to the significations of the eighth house.

The Sun in the Seventh House

If the Sun is in the seventh house the marriage of the native will take place late (that is, long after the marriageable age). He will not respect the opposite sex. He will indulge in sexual relations with women other than his wife. He will have more than one wife. In his 25th year he will travel to a place far away from his native land. He will be witty and fond of non-vegetarian food. He will not have fair dealings with his wife. He will be of unstable mind. If the Sun is posited in his own sign Leo, the native will live with only one wife. If the Sun is associated with an enemy or debilitated planet, or if he is associated with or aspected by a malefic, the native will have a number of wives (or will have sexual contacts with many women.)

Comments-It is clear from what is stated above that the placement of the Sun in the 7th house is not at all favourable for marital relations except when he is in own sign Leo. The marriage of the native will be delayed probably because of his incapability to settle down with one woman. Further being a malefic planet he will spoil the normal significations of the 7th house. The Sun is a hot planet. He also signifies vitality and virility. The native will therefore be abnormally passionate and will run after more than one woman to satisfy his carnal desires. This vice will be further accentuated when there are malefic influences on the Sun native will go away to a far off place if the Sun is in the seventh in his horoscope. We remember of one case about the correctness of this statement which was reported in one of the issues of Prof B.V. Raman's Astrological magazine. We would advise the readers to verify this by practical experience.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned should suffer humiliation at the hands of women.
Phaldeepika-Some part of the body of the native will be afflicted. The native will act against the interests of the Govt. He will wander aimlessly and get humiliated. The native will be devoid of happiness from wife.
Saravali-The native will be without lustre on his face, he will get humiliated in public, he will suffer from diseases and will do deeds which may lead him into prison. He will be immoral and will have no respect for women.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The wife of the native will suffer. The body of the native will be afflicted. He will always be worrying. He will suffer loss in business. Because of his jealous nature he will never get proper sleep.

Note-It is clear from the above views that if the Sun is in the 7th house, the native will be immoral in all sorts of ways. Because of his immoral nature, he will get involved in affairs which will lead to his humiliation by women. For the same reason his marital life will not be happy. He will not be patriotic and will act against the king or Government. For this reason he may have to wander here and there. As far as the immorality of the native is concerned the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras are supported by the authorities mentioned above.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mrigashira Nakshatra

Mrigashira "head of a deer" 23.20 Taurus to 6.40 Gemini
Symbol - Deer’s head (Antelope)      
Deity - Soma, the Moon god (Chandra)        
Stars - Orion, a group of three stars that represent the head of the hunter in the sky. Bellatrix is on the left shoulder of Orin means "female warrior" gives military honors.          
Mythology - Orion was the sky god Prajapati the world maker. He became obsessed with his beautiful daughter Rohini and chased her though this part of the sky, changing forms for swiftness. One of the forms was the antelope. To save Rohini, Shiva shot an arrow through Prajapati sending him crashing down to earth, destroying the oneness of the Universe.         

Indications - This is referred to as the "star of searching". These individuals are constantly searching or looking for something. They are restless, nervous types always traveling. They are collectors looking for one more piece to add to their collections. They love to shop and fine that special deal, and the shopping or searching never ends. Like the deer they are gentle, peaceful, tender and have large soft doe like eyes. They are seekers and are powerful investigators and researchers. Highly intelligent their quest will eventually take them to spiritual dimensions of their soul. There is a sensual provocative side that can lead to incestuous relationships as the myth suggests. The fun is in the chase or the journey not the destination, for then the trill is over. They are known for having beautiful children.            

Rohini Nakshatra

Rohini "the red one" 10.00 to 23.20 Taurus
Symbol - cart or a chariot, temple, banyan tree         
Deity - Brahma, or Prajapati, the creator       
Stars - There are five stars of the head of the Bull (the Hyades). Aldebaran is the red eye of the bull. This star gives enthusiasm, intelligence, eloquence, and public honors, but there can be sickness and violence.     
Mythology - Of the 27 daughters, Rohini was the Moon’s (Soma) favorite wife. He spent more time in this nakshatra, because of her beauty and seductive qualities. The others sisters became jealous and the father (Prajapati) cast a spell on Soma, where he becomes ill each month but recovers. This is why the Moon waxes and wanes each month.

Indications - The "star of ascent," the myth implies the suffering our intense desires may bring, for the Moon could not help his desire for Rohini. This is a passionate, sexually seductive nakshatra. These people are very attractive, alluring, and beautiful. They love luxury, art, music and all the finer things life has to offer. They are extremely materialistic and frown on those who don’t measure up to their taste and high culture. They can be spoiled, for nothing ever seems to be good enough for their high standards. They can be extremely critical of others, looking down at their seeming low class. As the myth implies, they can be over sexed, and use sex to get what they want. They can be very artistic and have an appreciation for beauty and the fine arts. This is a growth-oriented nakshatra, ruling crops and fertility. This implies they can rise to the top and achieve their desires. Also there is fertility for procreation, meaning they have children. This nakshatra gives wealth, but they must harness their worldly materialistic desires.    

Krittika Nakshatra

Krittika "the one who cuts" 26.40 Aries to 10.00 Taurus  
Symbol - a knife, or a razor       
Deity - Agni, god of fire        
Stars - The Pleiades, (The "Weeping Sisters") Alceyone one of the six Pleiades, is the star of sorrow, success and prominence. Algol is one of the most violent evil stars, which deals with decapitation or symbolically loosing your head.  
Mythology - Karttikeya, a powerful warrior, was born in the Pleiades and nursed by the six sisters who were falsely accused of infidelity.  

Indications - The "star of fire" is sharp, piercing and penetrating. People with this nakshatra have a cutting wit and can be sarcastic and critical. They are proud, ambitious and determined. They are passionate crusaders. As the nursemaids nurtured and protected Karttikeya, there is a protective influence, and they seem to adopt and care for children not their own. Their need to protect is where the warrior comes out. They are stubborn, aggressive and can be very angry. This nakshatra rules war, battles, and disputes. Since Agni is the ruling deity, these people have fast metabolisms and good digestion, and are usually good cooks. They have frequent ups and downs in life. Their passions can lead them to illicit sexual affairs, as the Pleiades were falsely accused. They are bigger than life and can rise to a place of fame and prominence.         

Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani "the bearer of new life" 13.20 to 26.40 Aries         
Symbol - Yoni, the female organ for reproduction        
Deity - Yama, god of death, or Dharma        
Stars - A binary star in the left foot of Andromenda, Almach gives honor and artistic ability.
Menkar, placed in the jaw of the whale indicates disgrace, trouble with legacies, and dishonor.
Mythology - This part of the sky was called Apabharani, which means "the waters that carry things away". This refers to all the souls that will transit here when they die. Yama is like Pluto and leads the dead to the other world. Yama was the first man sent to earth and the first man to die.

Indications - Considered the "star of restraint," this is a difficult nakshatra. It denotes struggles and obstacles that result in personal breakthroughs. It is symbolic of the birthing process where one has grown out of the present conditions and must go through the pain of a new birth to create a new life. It is about personal transformation. Since Yama was the first to come to earth, and the first to die, they may be the first to try or do things. Social reformers, activists and philosophers are prominent here. There is a tendency towards jealousy or being plagued by the jealousy of others. Because the womb is so confining, in the end there is a feeling of restriction or confinement for these individuals. They feel oppressed by others, large groups and restrictive laws imposed by the government. It can also refer to those who inflict oppression on others. Here is the mystery of life and death. They may be attracted to a position such as an OBGYN physician  or a mortician. They can be fanatical and intolerant of others who have different opinions. They are excessive and indulgent sexually. Their inner struggles can become a spiritual transformation leading to enlightenment.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The 27 Nakshatras

The nakshatras are one of the oldest references we have to astrology from the Rig Veda, dating back about 5,000 years ago. The Vedas are the religious scriptures of the great seers and sages of India. The nakshatras are like the zodiacal signs but more specific. Their meanings are derived from the constellations, fixed stars and the mythology behind these portions in the sky. They are rich in meaning and have ruling deities that reveal the stories or myths that bring to life the symbology referred to in our own lives.

The nakshatras are divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes starting from zero Aries and ending at 30 degrees of Pisces, 13.20 divided into the 12 signs is 27. The nakshatras are referred to as the lunar mansions because the Moon moves approximately 13.20 per day, therefore, resides in one nakshatra per day. The personal planet in which the nakshatra resides will reveal deep information about the individual in relation to the meanings of the houses (area of life), and what houses the planet rules.

For example, the planet that rules the 7th house (indicating a person’s spouse), will reveal detailed information about the spouse by the description of that nakshatra. If Aries is the sign of the 7th house, then Mars, the ruler of Aries (the nakshatra where Mars resides) will describe the spouse. If Mars is in the nakshatra Magha, the spouse would have all the kingly qualities of Magha.

"The Horse Woman"  0.00 to 13.20  Aries
Symbol - Horse’s head   
Deity - Ashwini Kumaras the horse headed twins who, as physicians to the gods, perform medical miracles
Stars - El Sharatan, the horn of the Ram.
Its qualities are violent, outspoken, and brazen 
Mythology - Sanjna is the name of the goddess who disguised herself as a horse and fled from her husband because he betrayed her. He caught up with her, and their offspring produced the Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins. Each day the twins bring the dawn as their chariot speeds through the sky 
Indications - The "star of transport," they are pioneers, explorers, always ready to try something new. They have zeal, and a zest for life. Heroic and very courageous, some will want to join the armed forces. Their restless and impatient nature has them rushing off quickly without planning ahead. Speed, not efficiency, is their preference. Their speech may be quick and halting, possibly stuttering, for the words can’t match the speed of their thoughts. They are the true trailblazers, headstrong and stubborn. As the symbol for new beginnings, they can represent a baby who goes after what it wants, not considering the inconveniences to others. They can be childish, irresponsible and inconsiderate. Ashwini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel. They are probably known for getting speeding tickets. Healers performing miracle healings are one of Ashwini’s gifts.